This Month our Top Recruiter is Canon

Thank you to Golden Rock for supporting SISU and offering our graduates jobs. Well done to ALL of our graduates who have been successful in finding jobs over this period.

SISU are proud to be partnering with the new UNDP Urban Resilience Project aimed at improving people’s income and employment opportunities. Click here to read about the important work being done by this project. United Nations Myanmar.
2023 Recruits
As our trainees approach the half way mark in their training program, our trainers are assessing and evaluating their progress.

SISU partners with Yoma Group to provide On-the-Job training across a range of vocations. SISU trainees can often be spotted in and around the Pun Hlaing Estate learning a trade.
A special shout out to our partner Awei Metta who provide high quality guidance and support to our housekeeping and F&B trainees

ALOW – Progress
Alternative Livelihood Opportunities for Women
This month our ALOW trainees have been busy learning basic self defense and getting some hands on practical experience in engineering. From March the trainees will be assigned job placements based on personal aptitude and expression of interest.

SISU Merchandise
Keep an eye out for our pop-up stores in Yangon featuring our range of SISU homeware products crafted by our Padauk trainees. Using recycled materials the trainees are taught how to produce, price and market the products.

Humanitarian Relief
A new report has revealed a quarter of people living in eight of Yangon’s poorest townships (including Hlaing Thar Yar) have often not had any income in the last 12 months.

About Us
Established in 2016, Step-in Step-up (SISU) is a not-for-profit company based in Myanmar. We deliver tailored livelihood training courses (3-12 months) to local youths.

Keep connected with us!
Each month we will be updating you with all of our latest news, success stories and exciting new ventures. We hope you will join us on this journey as we continue to change the lives of our trainees.