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The SISU Foundation program has been launched to achieve the following:

  • Bridge the gap between Myanmar matriculation and International Higher Education (HE) entrance
  • Enable trainees to succeed at HE (especially Academic English Language)
  • Supplement international level accredited online Certificate and Diploma programs with classroom learning, tutoring and wrap around programs

The SISU Foundation program provides the following:

Year 1:

  • English and Maths training to get trainees to required level
  • On-line Certificate in Business Management

Year 2:

  • On-line Diploma in Business Management which enables access to international bachelor’s degree program

The Certificate and Diploma programs are accessed on-line. SISU enhances this experience to increase the potential for success by supplementing the international partner e-learning, with classroom lectures, small group tutorials and 1-1 counseling.

The Foundation Academic program is holistic to enable long term success and includes:

  • E-learning from accredited international institute
  • Face-to-face lectures to support e-learning
  • Small group tutorials on key discussion topics
  • Intensive English Language training
  • 1-1 Coaching sessions

Trainees also receive training in the following areas:

  • Design Thinking
  • Goal Setting and Action Planning
  • Digital Literacy
  • Financial Literacy
  • Health and Wellness education
  • Service learning

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