Step-in Step-up

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“I passed the university entrance exam in the 2019-2020 academic year. Then, the Covid-19 epidemic hit our country hard. As a result, I wasn’t able to attend the university. After that, the opportunity to go to school became even more difficult due to the political situation of the country’s leaders. I didn’t know what to do with my career life. However, when I heard about Step-in Step-up (SISU), I became very interested in attending the training. I believed that this training would help me in my career life. That belief came true. SISU helped me find my way up in life and gave me motivation. I’m thankful to SISU’s founder and teachers. When I joined SISU, I felt inferior to my friends who were more talented than me. However, SISU always supported and encouraged me not to give up. I am forever grateful to SISU, the great course, and the teachers.

After the training, I started my first job as an associate in the HR department of YOMA Bank through SISU. The people at YOMA Bank believed in my ability and always supported me, just like the teachers from SISU. They gave me motivation and challenged me. Now, I have started on the path to success in my life!

I am very grateful to all my supporters, including SISU, founder Mrs. Jackie, Tr. Monica, and all the other teachers. I would also like to thank all the people who deserve to be thanked for helping young people like me. Finally, I would like to thank my team at Yoma Bank for believing in me.”

– Kyaw Htet Zaw

Stories about the GAP kids

Read the English Transcript
Opening by Fortune TV Presenter:

We are at Dulwich College Yangon, Pun Hlaing. This GAP KIDS programme is held by Step-in Step-up Foundation and Dulwich College Yangon. In this programme they delivered information about health and social knowledge. We will show you further more interesting images about this Programme, so please keep watching us.

First interview with SAYA JOHN:

The main purpose of the Step-in Step-up Foundation is to keep the children on the right path, well educated and more developed to have a better family life and bright future.

JACKIE APPEL – Founder and Head of Step-in Step-up.

HTAY HTAY YEE – Academy coordinator to the Village. Allumni student:

This Foundation has been supporting what our children need for their life. Personally I think people should continue learning something for their life. It depends on how much they learn. The Foundation supports everything as much as they can.

GRAHAM HORTON – Head of School, Dulwich College Yangon.

Closing by Fortune TV presenter:

This programme is in collaboration with Dulwich College Yangon and Step-in Step-up Foundation. If any of you are interested or willing to donate, please kindly contact step-in Step-up Foundation at for further details.

We will bring this kind of interesting programme to you in the future, so please watch our channel.

– Fortune TV

We create an awareness of global issues such as human trafficking, child’s exploitation and care for the environment whilst enhancing personal and social development.

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